Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Family Picture at the Beach July 4th

Beach with Caroline's Cousins

Caroline got her first fever on the way down to the Emerald Isle to visit Nay's aunts, uncle and cousins. She was trooper throughout the trip even though she was sick the entire time. Caroline loved spending time with her cousins. We wished they lived in Raleigh and were closer to us.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Caroline and I went with Holly and her kids (George and Elizabeth) to see our good friend Joanna in Virginia. We had a great time! We took the kids to Busch Gardens. Caroline rode every ride the older kids rode. Most of them I had to ride with her because she was not tall enough but everyone she could ride by herself she did. The kids loved playing together. Here are some pictures.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Easter Egg Hunter

Caroline had a great time at her first Easter Egg Hunt! She was so excited to pick the eggs up and put them in her basket. It was so special to see a new experience.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rock and Roll Half-Marathon

Elizabeth, Sheena and I decided about 3 months ago to run the Rock and Roll half-marathon on March 28, 2009 in Raleigh. We had a great time training for it. It allowed us time to chat about kids, life and all kind of girls stuff. So, the day finally arrived to run the race and we prayed for rain. It was tough and the race had a lot of hills but we all survived. I think we would all do it again?????

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Caroline's New PInk Chair

Caroline loves chairs and she thinks she is so big because she can get in a chair all by herself. So, Mimi decided to get her our own pink chair. Of course it had to be PINK!! She loves her new chair.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Caroline celebrated her first birthday on Saturday, January 17th. Caroline loved all the attention. I did not know a one year old little girl really could enjoy there first birthday like she did. Caroline loved playing with her friends and family. She loved when everyone sang Happy Birthday to her! She clapped her hands at the end. Since she loved it so much, we sang it twice. Caroline enjoyed eating her castle smash cake all by herself with her hands. Caroline enjoyed opening and enjoying all her new presents. It is a has been a wonderful year of fun and a lot laughter with Caroline. Nay and I are so blessed to have such a special little girl. She has brought us such joy that I just cannot explain in words. Every day is blessing and joy to be with her! Her laughter and smile is amazing. What amazes me the most is her desire to see and be around new and old friends. She just loves people! It is so much fun just to take Caroline to the mall and see how she reacts to all the new people. She wants EVERYONE to speak to her. I look forward to all new adventures the year with Caroline. I am sure it is going to be exciting, fun and a lot of laughter.
Caroline had a great birthday on January 20, 2009. She was able to see and play in the snow for the first time. What a great first birthday experience!!!